NYC Souvenirs - aka Souvenirs for Aliens
Daydreams from the City that never sleeps
“The Immigration and Nationality Act defines an 'alien' as any person who is not a citizen or national of the United States. Souvenirs, in the context of permanent visitors, explore the different cultural layers of our reality and the coexistence of overlapping stories, blending subjective and collective experiences.”

#1 Queuebicles is both a memento of a recurring NYC scene and a desktop stationery item. Both objects and people find themselves waiting—frozen in a temporary stall, anticipating something to happen. There’s a line around the block, and you can decide whether the wait is for a product drop, a paycheck, or an immigration visa. You can write on the city's walls, becoming a subtle activist who shares their rage from the comfort of their desk. And if needed, you can erase and start over. After all, doodling is a great way to pass the time.

#2 Can a souvenir become a physical package for living debris? Wraps are cultural blankets holding the complexity of a multicultural journey. The objects, wrapped in stereotyped symbols of NYC, are collected in thrift stores around the city, multiplying their value with collective memories. The wrap are also symbols of a dominant culture that slowly absorbs and conforms.

NewYorkCityXDesignXSouvenirs Exhibition curated by Boyms Partners - Hudson Yards NYC, May2024