Speculative Healthcare,
Future scenarios on wellbeing for Johnson&Johnson.
“By challenging today's healthcare norms, we uncover the futures we truly need—not just the ones we're given.”
This two days workshop was organized in response to Johnson&Johnson's interest in exploring possible synergies between creativity, future thinking and healthcare. Critical and Speculative design are two of the modern design tools that can help companies identifying and evaluate future research directions and investments. The workshop was designed specifically to highlight how social and ethical constructs, weaved together with scientific and technological advancement, can generate a series of possible/plausible scenario from which to learn and reflect.
Five different groups, composed of J&J people and RISD students, engaged in conversations about our society, how we define well-being and what are the criticisms connected to it. The workshop started with a lecture about the conceptual framework behind critical and speculative design. Through the analysis of various case studies, the groups were exposed to a different way to explore the tomorrow, not in the shape of traditional future forecasting but rather as a debate on the desirability or harmfulness of alternative realities.
Each group worked on the creation of a science-fiction story in which the topics of healthcare and well-being were approached from multiple perspectives.
Those stories were then transformed into potential design services, systems or products capable of linking fictional ideas with everyday life and pointing out problematics and implications of our present choices.